Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pastor Joshua Wisdom Arrested In Prostitution Sting

Arkansas: Thirty-seven-year-old Joshua Wisdom was arrested by the Bentonville Police Department after officers said he attempted to exchange money for sex during a sting operation at a local hotel.

Wisdom, 37, was the minister of students at the First Baptist Church of Springdale and the Church at Pinnacle Hills in Rogers.

Read More: Joshua Wisdom

Wisdom submitted his letter of resignation to the church Thursday morning. Church leaders addressed the parents of the children Wisdom worked with, and issued an e-mail statement to the rest of the congregation.


  1. I knew Josh while he was living in Trussville, this only surprises me as of the nature of his crime. He did many unethical things while in Trussville and unfortunately the staff of FBCT chose to turn their heads. Had they only done something then, this might have been avoided. He got away with way too much and I am sure more surprising things are to come. I do pray for his wife and four precious children, they are innocent of this.

  2. This is a sick person. I knew Josh at one time as well and he was very abnoxious. He asked me way more questions than I felt comfortable answering and knew my Dad would kill him for even wondering. He and this grosses me out.

    1. He was my pastor when he was in Fayetteville. Didn't know him that well. He liked to preach about abstinence, and Promise Keepers, and the sins of masturbation. What a joke. Obviously a creep, but what level of creepiness we talking here? I'm just curious.

    2. Did you ever find out any thing else. I think I know this creep.

  3. I knew Josh in Trussville too. This shocks me. People in Trussville didn't like him because he pushed them out of their comfort box. People in Trussville don't like that, therefore they sent him on his way. I thought he was a wonderful minister- he helped me through many trials in highschool. My heart goes out to his family- I pray they can find peace and forgiveness. My heart goes out to all of these people who judge him without knowing him. Yes, he's a minister. Yes, he made a huge, sick mistake. But he is a man, and all men fall short of the glory of God. May God change his heart and perform a miracle in his family.

  4. I too knew Josh in Trussville...not a huge fan. But think it is important to pray for his family and the church was serving in. Especially any youth that may be in distress due to his behavior.

  5. To you who posted the comment about Josh being sent on his way because of people in Trussville being pushed out of their comfort box: My child was part of the youth at the time Josh was youth pastor and Josh was not a minister he was not a teacher and certainly not a pastor. He had his little clicks with some of the well to do families and their children. I just wonder how many of those young girls and boys(and parents) Josh Wisdom led astray. Looking back we had many that were pretty screwed up during his time at FBCT. We even had families that followed him back to Arkansas and vacationed with him like he was the Almighty.. please give me a break. To all of you parents that thought he was so wonderful have you sat down and had a good long talk with your children about the "Wisdom" Josh shared with them? You might be very surprised to know the truth or are you afraid to know the truth? Can you step out of your comfort box? Looking back I am so glad that my child had the good sense to know something was not right about Josh Wisdom. Thank you Jesus...

  6. Amen and Amen!!! I could not agree with you more. I have sat down with my children as I did while the jerk was in Trussville and it makes my blood bowl at all he was allowed to get away with. I knew he was not all he thought he was and fooled others into thinking he was and he knew how I felt too. Their are some people that I pray have been knocked off their high horses since not only Josh but the administration that protected him is gone.

  7. Out of their comfort zones....what a joke...intimidated is more like it. He is a douchebag. It is his poor wife and children I feel sorry for. Their are some people that need to WAKE up and smell the coffee. or stop playing goody goody.

  8. From what I hear there are people running up there even now, I only hope for the wife and children rather the wisdomless.

  9. I also knew Josh in Trussville, and helped with the youth. I certainly witnessed the kids who were really vunerable and how he would attach himself a little too close for my comfort zone. He sickens me how he has used his ministery to gain the trust of kids and has shown who the REAL Josh Wisdom really is. Everyone is forgiven by the grace of God, but that doesn't mean you don't pay the CONSEQUENCES of your sins. The sad thing is, this is far from over. People are going to find more things out about him, and it breaks my heart for his precious wife and innocent children. A youth minister who is brazen enough to go to a hotel where he's from, shows me he has done this many times before. You don't just find out where a prostitute is at and say," hey, I think I'll go try this." And, if anyone out there is STUPID enough to believe that, you're the kind of people he likes to hang with, because he knows how to use you to believe all his bull. Sure, he needs prayer, but I will pray for his family, the church he was involved with, the youth, and the community.


    1. I have recently come into contact with this creep. Was he ever accused of anything with any of the youth in Northwest Arkansas?

  11. Terrible, horrible, sad situation for the family of this guy to say the very least. Funny though how every comment from Trussville is anonymous...classic.

  12. The reason Trussville is anonymous is because we are just now coming to grips of the reality of things that happened here, while this creep was here. We cried out from help from adminstration, but none was forth admin. we'll see if it is handeled differently.

  13. Yes, Trussville is classic...apparently you fell for Josh Wisdomless....he hurt alot of people while in Trussville and alot of people turned their heads...some stuck their heads up their...don't judge what you don't know....yes, this is a sad situation of the family of this stupid man....he is a false preacher and a misleader. Wake up....maybe he hit on you, too.

    1. Being hurt and mislead doesn't give you free annonymity. If you want to clear the air or voice your opinion...attach your name. Otherwise you just seem like someone pissing in the wind.

    2. lol coming from 'unknown' - funny standards you have!

  14. Please tell me that Josh will be held responsible for his crime, not only by the law but also that he will never be in a position to have so much influence over people. And I am signing anonymous....but I am not from Trussville but from Rogers, AR....classic....Stacy are you classic or a fake, too.

  15. To those who comented above: You should be ashamed of yourselves. You have nothing better to do than to pass judgment on others, probably because it takes the focus off of how pathetic all of you are. You will sit arround and act like you have the right to gossip, not carring who you hurt. Whether you are from Trussville where people refuse to realize that there is much more in the world than that one snobby town, or somewhere else, most above are all the same, you need to get over yourself. I know all of you have sinned this week, and God looks at it all the same. Grow up.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I only see truth spoken here....and I hear much hurt. Your head must be so stuck where it should not be that you don't care about anyone except this creep and yourself....why don't you try to find out the whole story....I can beat who this is and you did not even listen to me when I tried to express how hurt I was and still am.

    1. Trying to get more info on this guy. Can you help?

  17. The Family, Church, and Students he "ministered" to are in my thoughts and prayers. I was one of those students, this act has gone on far too long.

  18. Josh W. was my youth minister at Trussville as well. I knew something was wrong with him and I even called him out at one point close to the end of his tenure at FBCT. From that point on, he never talked to me and avoided me when he had the chance (which wasn't much different than what he did to just about all the students that weren't in his "clicks"). I was not surprised AT ALL by this news.

  19. Any of you who want to be specific with the "inappropriate" things Josh did while in Trussville, we're all ears.

  20. I was in Josh Siddons youth group in trussville. He was nice but in my eyes very fake. He picked favorites within his youth group - it's church - why would you do that? --- this was suprising news to me bc Josh HAD a wonderful wife and beautiful children. Stacy and the kids are in my prayers.

    What a horrible example of a leader in a church.

  21. Hey Stacy Snyder- guess what - youre classic.

  22. This event is unfortunate. Gossip, anonymous at that, is of no value and will not remove the rotting bitterness you may feel in your heart and mind for the past or present.
    Pray to God for changed hearts, avoid judgement lest you be judged harshly yourself (God's judgement is sufficient without mans judgement) , and remember or learn exactly what Jesus did and does for you.

  23. You do not know the hearts of those that are posting their feelings. You say don't judge Josh, we aren't I see no signs of judgement, only truth that you apparently do not want to face. You must be in his click because, you show no concern for anyone else but yourself and Josh.I pray for healing within his heart and for his family, but I also pray that he is held accountable for his actions. I know he is humiliated because he was caught, but would he have continued if he had not gotten caught? It makes me wonder how long this has been going on. It does not seem to be a first time thing. From the reports I have read, he must have been very familiar with how this ring worked.

  24. Reread what I wrote. And, no, I am not in his "click". I met him a couple times before we moved away from Trussville several years ago. I had no direct dealings with the man on a personal basis.

    Reread your own statement and grow from there. You do judge him several times along with judging me. We all have room to grow. Quit stumbling all around the cross and kneel to it. You'll have freedom from your bitterness and fears. You're my brother or my sister, it doesn't matter, I'm pulling for you. I'm not questioning your salvation or judging you, just encouraging you to grow beyond what is holding you down in the area of speculation.
    Your words, " I know he is humiliated because he was caught, but would he have continued if he had not gotten caught? It makes me wonder how long this has been going on. It does not seem to be a first time thing. From the reports I have read, he must have been very familiar with how this ring."
    " You must be in his click because, you show no concern for anyone else but yourself and Josh."

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Were your kids in youth Scott while he was in Trussville? Why did you move your family away.

  26. Has nothing to do wirh it. A house two doors down from relatives came open in another part of town and we took it. There are always plenty of things to have hard feelings about but you put them behind you and go on. I didn't learn that until later in life after I turned it all over to God. I carried a lot of guilt and hurt around with me until I listened to God and started studying his word. It's not about me, it's about the holiness and purity of God that we can't partake of until we realize just what a sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for each individual. Only then can we come to Jesus and rest in him.
    Sure, all the other things are still happening around us and we want to be in control, mete out our own justice, and make as perfect and comfortable a situation as we can but it is inconsequential. We still will never be perfect.
    Jesus' life was not comfortable while he walked the earth as a man and his death sure wasn't comfortable. The pain was in bearing the sins of mankind.
    I tried for so long to bear my own sins and make promises to change while pointing out the failings of others. It doesn't work. Now I just try to concentrate on my own imperfections the best I can with prayer and study. It's a minute by minute thing now and I don't always overcome. If it was easy, God would not had to have sent a savior.
    As I said earlier, Mr. Wisdom's situation is unfortunate and it will be him who bears the consequences of man through a court of law. The spiritual aspect is between him and God but I do pray for wholeness there.
    There also needs to be wholeness made on the part of those he offended in his ministry. God will grant that if asked but I doubt it will be in the pound of flesh some may want to extract.
    How can I believe God will be graceful to me if I can't be graceful myself?
    I pray for peace and grace to you.

  27. I know Josh and though I agree that it is shocking I also know we are human, and God forgives all. It was worng but who are we to judge if God forgave the prostitute why do we act in such hate are we better than God himself??? I dont understand why he did it but im not going to judge him!

  28. You don't have to judge him Hannah, that's what I'm here for.


  29. Scott, I do agree with you and understand where you are coming are exactly right about it all...the Bible is the only source for true wisdom...I think from some of the other posts that there is a lot of hurt and maybe Josh needs to ask forgiveness from those who were was youth...they were being led by a person they could or did not trust...and now we are beginning to see why...they are pretty perspective about things...just think on it and pray for healing in those who were hurt. I know you and know your heart and trust me I can see both sides of this whole ordeal.

  30. Never met Josh Wisdom. I believe Scott Archer has the right idea though. Well said:)

  31. I think all this has gone on long enough. Everyone has an opinion and are intitled to it.
    Yes, we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We do not judge this man, but he will stand before God and not anyone of us. God is a God of mercy and grace...He demands that we all love one another, I love Josh, but do not like that so many have been hurt by his concious
    decisions. My opinion.

  32. "Brothers,if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." Galatians 6

  33. What is the latest on how everything is going? I am praying for Josh and his family, and would like to know how they are.

  34. you people are SICK! I know Josh and he is an AMAZING man! In fact, I'm best friends with his daughter! And you know what im appaulled at those who say he was abnoxious!!! The thing i LOVE about Josh is how he pushes you out of your comfort zone. Many have been saved and yall need to forgive! Yes, he made a mistake, but we are all human. Im sure that not one of you haven't made a mistake. NOT ONE! If any of you truly knew Josh then you'd know that he, he NEVER let you down.

  35. Keep him in your prayers.

  36. I will stand up for Josh through anything, ANYTHING! Yes, sadly he made a bad choice, but this is going to be a great ministry for him. Many men have trouble with pronogryfy, ( sorry i spelled that wrong! ) I personally think God will make something good from this.

  37. PS> Mr. Anonymous uptop quite a bit, but Josh was an awesome example for people to follow. He will hopefully bounce back. God will make good of this situation. He will.

  38. you never had to worry about him letting you down....he never let anyone get up unless it was what he wanted to have happen....get real

  39. "may he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

    I think "anonymous" is the same person posting as many. In fact, I think anonymous is Joe, owner of the website.

    Regardless, I knew/know Josh and his brother. Both were great guys. We all have our demons and skeletons. And if we knew anonymous' demons (or should I say Joe's demons) then it would be hard to criticize. Sure, what Josh is accused of is wrong. But we all fall short of the Glory of God.

  40. Robert Burnham Lutheran pastor is the new douchbag arrested 12/8/10 in Bentonville prostitute sting. He was actually texting a prostitute while leading his Wednesday group at church.

  41. "may he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

    I have read that meaningless quote so many times now. I don't even know what to make of it. What, because none of us are perfect, nobody can be held accountable for their actions? Bullshit...find a new line to memorize.



  42. Why do people who preach the most against homosexuality always turn out to have just finished snorting crack off another man's cock?
    Probably because you wouldn't care unless you're trying to hide something. Haggard, wisdom, et al. Now when a bible thumper starts in with the old routine your first thought is 'Fag'.

  43. What he did may have been very wrong, but he understood the bible and taught it well. He cared about the path of his students and didn't once make me feel uncomfortable. I use to WANT to go to church to hear him speak. He understood the word of god and did what he could to deliver it. I thank him for giving that gift to the youth of this generation. Truth is, even though he was a pastor, he was a HUMAN. Contrary to popular belief.. humans make mistakes. This mistake was bad, yes, but passing judgement because of it is RIDICULOUS. That's like catching a teacher help a student cheat and then yelling at them for not knowing anything about the subject they teach. It just.. makes no sense to me why you people are this horrible to Josh. He was an amazing man, and has the potential to gain his life back. Remember, when you don't give people second chances, you're just robbing them of the right to do what's right. Thank you. (And i choose to remain anonymous for reasons other than being embarrassed or ridiculed. So don't comment on that fact.)

  44. We all fall short of the glory of God...... definitely, but we all are not up in front of masses of people guding them how to live their life and telling them what is a sin and what is not. THAT's why people judge him so harshly.

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  46. This guy is one incredible man despite this mistake. I just saw him at a mens conference giving his testimony. God can work through any situation... You guys need to look past that mistake, that sin...Because in the eyes of God, all sins are the same. We all sin. God helped him overcome this situation. This mistake was nailed to the cross. You all need to respond in love, not hatred.

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