Tuesday, May 17, 2011

William Tapley vs. Harold Camping

The Third Eagle of the Apocalypse argues that May 21st can't possibly be judgment day. If you remember, it was last October.


  1. I want to know by what authority William Claims to be a prophet. He's a false prophet...POT THIS IS KETTLE YOU"RE BLACK

  2. William Tapley is a false prophet pushes false doctrine as all Catholicism is false This example telling people to use graven images a crucifix an idol in there homes that demonic spirit fear the crucifix this is a lie THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Lesson 3 - No Idols. “The Second Commandment: No Graven Images”Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in .The crucifix is both symbol the dead Christ false True Christianity follows life not death

    1. while i don't agree with Mr. tapley, i see you misunderstant the catholic church. You obviously have been misinformed. It would be nice if you actually went to a class to learn about the church.

      You yourself are being judgemental, also a sin.

      May God bless you and fill your heart with peace.

    2. "all Catholicism is false" - So you think Gods existence is false???

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